On the wings of victory

The sculpture/trophy was created by the Italian sculptor Christian Loretti, with a bronze casting bracket on a model made ​​of wax.

The trophy embodies the synergy of the strength, rhythm and freedom of the athlete.

In the bronze, yet still vibrant, structure, the artist celebrates the harmonious weaving of broken lines and curves, which perfectly show the structural tension and emotional integrity that brings about the balance of creation, caught just as the athlete is about to break and send the ball into the goal. In fact, the figure hidden in the rear view is the gesture of a hyperdynamic gunner‘s body on a crucial blow.

The sharp point, the marvellous flight of the athlete with his arms as wings, stretched in tension towards the sun/world/ball that dominates the work as if to recover the balance disturbed by the muscular athletic movements, and then the complexity of the work, as compared to the dimensions of the same, suddenly resolves and is revealed to the observer; the athlete‘s stylized gesture and the opening of wings that reveal the magical symbol of Victory.

The handiwork in bronze was made ​​with the technique of the stirrups on the wax model in cooperation with the Fonderia d’Arte 2000 managed by the brothers Del Giudice located in Nola ( Naple) , Italy

Antonio G. Del Vecchio

Profile of Master Christian Loretti

Born in 1977 in Foggia (Italy) in 1977, Master Christian Loretti is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Foggia with a specialization in sculpture, and is a Professor of mat materials, artistic anatomy, and techniques of molding types of new materials and sculpture. He is also a qualified teacher in the field of plastic arts and a teacher in secondary schools (Art School). Even at his young age he was overlooking the national art scene, with projects destined for permanent exhibition in public spaces in various Italian cities. His artistic influences are the Italian sculptors of the late twentieth century, mainly of "material culture" and ‚carry-final‘ in the conception of the final work, in metals such as bronze and aluminum. He draws inspiration for his sculptures mainly from nature, in order to create works that can be exposed in open public places that are accessible and easy to read for everyone.

Loretti has participated in numerous competitions for the construction of monuments to be included in public spaces, with placings of honor and, above all, prestigious wins: in 2004 he won the "Wonder" in Cuneo, with the work "soap "(which now occupies a space in Piedmont) and in 2008 he won a public competition for the construction of a complex of sculptures dedicated to the bull in the municipality of Santo Stefano Ticino (Milan).

His experience in Urban Design and the décor of important public gardens has allowed the artist to work with different administrations and participate on various redevelopment projects and interventions of monumental works (Friezes municipal fountains, panels in bas-relief, restoration and commemorative works).

He has also participated in group exhibitions of gradually increasing importance, such as the Collective Sculpture "Porch Gaetano" in Gaeta (1999), the Collective Contemporary Art "The Garden of Roberto" with four sculptures in bronze, at the Peano Foundation of Cuneo (2012), the collective of contemporary art "Alimentum," at Banca del Monte, in Foggia (2012), the collective of contemporary art "Cultures in Comparison," organized by the foundation De Nittis in the basement of Barletta Castle (2012) and the exhibition "aluminum between futurism and modernity, a path in Italian sculpture on the edge of matter,"to be held from June 9, 2013 at the "Mold for sculpture" in Montevarchi (Arezzo). This event will include a historical section, with works by artists such as Vangi Thayaht, Ram, Queen, Renato Di Bosso, Bruno Munari and others, and a section of contemporary artists with works created after 2000. Since 2000 publications of sculptures of national sponsored posters, catalogues and magazines, reviews and critical writings on his artistic activity, by various scholars, have appeared in local and national newspapers. In 2013 an essay included in the magazine "Hypogeum 06" num.11 Institute Scipione bracket, Tring (Foggia) by the critic C. A. Strazzeri said: "Christian Loretti: from the phenomenon to the archetype."